Recent Speakers

Recent Speakers & Other Notable Speakers

Don Allen, CEO, Cupertino National Bank

Noah Alper, Founder, NOAH’s Bagels

Ed Asner, Actor

Andy Ball, CEO, WebCor

Dick Bolles, Author, What Color is your parachute?

Joe Canon, Athlete, San Jose Earthquake’s (ML Soccer)

David Cay Johnson, Reporter, NY Times/Author

Greg Chamitoff, Astronaut

John Chiang, Controller, State of California

Ward Connerly, UC Regent, Retired

Phil Cosentino, Founder, Cosentino Groceries

James Dover, CEO,  O’Connor Hospital

Dan Duckhorn, CEO, Duckhorn Winery

Firoozhe Dumas, Funny in Farsi

Dan Gordon, CEO, Gordon Biersch

Dr. Fran Harvey, Secretary of the Army, Retired

Greg Jamison, CEO, San Jose Sharks

Greg Kihn, Musician

Kathy Levinson, COO, E*Trade

Abel Maldonado, LT Governor

Bob Mazucca, CEO, Boy Scouts of America

Lee-Anne Mulholland, World Peace Fellow

Barry McCaffrey, Army General and US Drug Czar

Gavin Newsom, LT Governor

Nancy Pelosi, Speaker, US House of Representatives

Michael Powell, Federal Communications Commission

Kavita Ramdas, President and CEO, Global Fund for Women

T.J. Rodgers, CEO Cypress Semiconductor

Linda Ronstadt, Entertainer

Elliot Schrage, VP, Facebook

Jackie Speier, Member of Congress

Mike Splinter, CEO Applied Materials

Godfrey Sullivan, COO, Hyperion

Dick Tomey, San Jose Football

David Walker, US Comptroller

Tony West, Assistant, US Attorney General

Lew Wolff, Owner Oakland Athletics

John Woolard, CEO, BrightSource

Bruce Woolpert, CEO, Graniterock

Betty Yee, Board of Equalization

Jed York, Owner, SF 49ers

Other Past Prominent Speakers

Phil Angelides, Treasurer, State of California

Jerry Brown, Governor of California

Tom Campbell, U.S. Representative/Dean Haas School of Business

John Crummey, Founder FMC Corporation

George Deukmejian, Governor, State of California

Elizabeth Dole, U.S. Senator

Gerald Ford, President of the United States

Anthony Frank, Postmaster General

John Garamendi, State of California Lt. Governor

Bing Gordon, Founder Electronic Arts

Billy Graham, Evangelist

Ellen Hancock, CEO Exodus Communications

Paul Harris, Founder, Rotary International

Reed Hastings, CEO Netflix

Herbert Hoover, President of the United States

Greg Joswiak, V.P. Marketing Apple Computer

Dennis Kucinich, U.S. Representative/Presidential Candidate

Tony LaRussa, Baseball Manager

Ronnie Lott, Hall of Fame San Francisco 49er

Sanford McDonnell, CEO McDonald Douglas

Bruce McPherson, State of California Secretary of State

Franklin Mieuli, Owner Golden State Warriors

Norman  Y. Mineta, U.S. Secretary of Transportation

Susan Packard Orr, CEO Packard Foundation

William Perry, U.S. Secretary of Defense

Steve Poizner, Insurance Commissioner, State of California

Richard Riordan, Mayor, City of Los Angeles

Condoleezza Rice, Secretary of State

T.J. Rodgers, CEO Cypress Semiconductor

Frederick Smith, CEO FedEx Corporation

Mike Splinter, CEO Applied Materials

Edward Teller, PhD, Nuclear Physicist

Robert Trent Jones, Golf Course Designer

John Tunney, U.S. Senator

Ted Turner, Businessman/Philanthropist

Peter Uberroth, Commissioner of Major League Baseball

Bill Walsh, Hall of Fame Football Coach

Steve Westley, Controller, State of California

Steve Wozniak, Co-Founder, Apple Computer


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