Rotary Global Grant Qualification & Training

Global Grant Qualifications

GG Qualification Instructions and Materials

By Friday, July 23, 2021

2024-2025 GG Qualification Steps

DMG Qualified

To qualify for GG's you must first be qualified for DMG's. To learn how to do that, click HERE


Grants Training

At least one member of your Club  must complete Global Grants training. If your Club is sponsoring a Global Grant, as either Host or International Club, the Primary Contact for that grant must complete the Grants training described here. Once trained, that person satisfies the requirement for GG Qualification. There is no limit to the number of Club members who can complete the training. 

The Grant Management Seminar is a Learning Plan consisting of ten individual courses. The total estimated time to completion is about 3 hours. You can break up the program into smaller chunks as you prefer. The Learning Center will keep track of where you are so you can jump back in wherever you left off.

To start the training, first log in to MyRotary. Once you are logged in, click this link. You may be asked to log in again, this time to the Learning Center; if so, use the same user id and password as for the main site.

If you’ve arrived at the right place, your screen should look something like this:

Except that your screen won’t say you are ready to print out your certificate, because you haven’t completed the modules. But you should see a list of 10 courses (this screen shot shows only the first three of them). If you see something significantly different, please contact your Area Governor or the District Foundation Steward for help.

Click the first module to begin your training. Your training will include videos, slides, downloads, and occasional quizzes. When you have completed all ten modules, the LC will give you the option to download a certificate, just as it shows in the screen shot. Download your certificate and forward a copy to the District Foundation Steward.

Your Global Grant qualification remains in effect for a limited amount of time:

  • If you complete the training in July through December, you remain qualified until the end of that Rotary year. Example: If you complete the training October 4, 2024 – you remain qualified until June 30, 2025.
  • If you complete the training in January through June, you remain qualified until the end of the next Rotary year. Example: If you complete the training May 4, 2025 – you remain qualified until June 30, 2026.

When your qualification expires you can renew by completing the Grant Management Recertification module. Recertification extends your qualification the same as the full Grant Management Seminar:
  • If you complete the recert training in July through December, you remain qualified until the end of that Rotary year. Example: If you complete the training October 4, 2024 – you remain qualified until June 30, 2025.
  • If you complete the recert training in January through June, you remain qualified until the end of the next Rotary year. Example: If you complete the training May 4, 2025 – you remain qualified until June 30, 2026.
Note that recertification is an option only if you have previously completed the Grants Management Seminar.

Click Here for List of GG-Trained D7980 Rotarians 


GG-Qualification Status

If your club has completed the two requirements above, a red star will appear in the "GG Qualified" column, indicating that you are qualified to participate in GG's. 

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