A Message of Welcome from District Governor, Tari Marshall-Day

Tari Marshall-Day
District Governor 2022-2023

Welcome to the Southern Connecticut District 7980 Website for Rotary Year 2022-2023. Our Rotary International President, Jennifer Jones, has delivered an awesome theme for her year as RI President, “Imagine Rotary.”
As the IMAGINE ROTARY 2022-23 #ImagineRotary Year kicks off, we celebrate every Rotarian, Rotaractor, Interactor, Rotary Community Corps Member, and Friend of Rotary. Emerging from crushingly unusual times, Rotary is stronger than ever with, now, 1.4 Million members.
Flexibility in membership approaches, hybrid options to keep in touch with everyone, innovative new Clubs and models such as E-Clubs, Satellite Clubs, and Cause-Based Clubs. Traditional Clubs fully reconnecting in person, and a renewed creativity from all, promise a strong future.
Our Leadership Team, District Governor Track, Assistant Governor’s, Committees and Club Leaders are ALL here to make sure you have the most up-to-date and relevant tools for the 2022-23 forward times. We celebrate the uniqueness and successes of each Club and encourage all to work with other Clubs to create a synergy of collective success.
Our Foundation offers strong leadership and excellent returned Grant monies to do what you do best – caring for the local and international communities. Our Seven Areas of Focus offer so many options of interest and engagement – there is something for EVERYONE to feel that can truly leave their mark on helping Humanity and our Planet.
As I visit Clubs and offer my support and that of the Team, know you are so very much appreciated by so many. Thank you. The World Needs Rotary More Than Ever. #ImagineRotary.
Be forward-thinking. We are here to be your cheerleaders and support. To those who visit this page to learn more about Rotary, we would LOVE to have you with us in our volunteer teams. We are an organization in over 200 countries with helping Humanity at our core. I would personally be happy to introduce you to our many Clubs to choose from. Welcome, ALL!
Thank you,
Tari Marshall-Day
District Governor